나의 이야기

동물들의 모자간 사랑

록원 2016. 12. 30. 11:25


동물들의 모자간 사랑

The Love Between Mother & Baby

She is always ready to offer you her support.
Mother & Baby Animals
She will use her strength to protect you.
Mother & Baby Animals
Her hugs will offer you comfort.
Mother & Baby Animals
Her kisses are tender.
Mother & Baby Animals
She has long stood by your side, from the very beginning.
Mother & Baby Animals
She will keep you under her wing.
Mother & Baby Animals
And she will carry you on her shoulders till the end.
Mother & Baby Animals
She does so with pride and joy.
Mother & Baby Animals
Seeing you makes her feel glad.
Mother & Baby Animals
And whenever you are feeling down, she feels your sadness too.
Mother & Baby Animals
Yet she also celebrates your joy.
Mother & Baby Animals
She is always happy to have you around.
Mother & Baby Animals
And wants nothing more than to show you her constant love and affection.
Mother & Baby Animals
Nobody can make you feel as safe as she does.
Mother & Baby Animals
No matter what you get up to, she won't complain about it.
Mother & Baby Animals
She will take you with her wherever she goes.
Mother & Baby Animals
She will teach you everything she knows.
Mother & Baby Animals
She will cuddle up to you, every chance she gets.
Mother & Baby Animals
Her true joy comes from you simply being there, by her side. 
Mother & Baby Animals






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