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동물들의 모자간 사랑
2016. 12. 30. 11:25
동물들의 모자간 사랑
The Love Between Mother & Baby
She is always ready to offer you her support.She will use her strength to protect you.Her hugs will offer you comfort.Her kisses are tender.She has long stood by your side, from the very beginning.She will keep you under her wing.And she will carry you on her shoulders till the end.She does so with pride and joy.Seeing you makes her feel glad.And whenever you are feeling down, she feels your sadness too.Yet she also celebrates your joy.She is always happy to have you around.And wants nothing more than to show you her constant love and affection.Nobody can make you feel as safe as she does.No matter what you get up to, she won't complain about it.She will take you with her wherever she goes.She will teach you everything she knows.She will cuddle up to you, every chance she gets.Her true joy comes from you simply being there, by her side.